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BAY AREA – Abnel Massa Jr.  enlisted in the United States Air Force in 2013. He reported for his first mission overseas earlier this year leaving behind his family, friends and girlfriend Jeana Ortiz. 

“So anybody who dates anybody in the military, you sign up for it. You sign up for them leaving, short notice, extended times. You don’t have any say and sometimes you just have to be okay with it,” said Ortiz.

Massa is an Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician in the Air Force, trained to detect, disarm, detonate and dispose of explosive threats all over the world. He was looking forward to his first mission overseas.

“It was actually an odd sense of excitement,” explained Massa. “This is what we trained for, what we worked for, this is what we wanted to do and we do it well.”

He says you mentally prepare for being away and missing certain things.

“The first couple months it’s pretty cool to experience all that stuff and then you start to realize, just how far away you are from everyone you care about,” said Massa.

Ortiz said being left behind is one of the hardest things because you want to go with them.

“We were in a routine of seeing each other every day and spending so much time together. It was different it was hard,” said she said.

 Communication would play a vital role in their relationship overseas. Massa says he had to find a schedule and remembering to stick to it.  
“You have to memorize what time it is on the other side of the world because of the time change,” said Massa.
 Although the distance is difficult at times they both say it’s worth it

“It’s been absolutely incredible, you’re going o make some of your best friends while in the military,” said Massa.

“He’s an amazing person and he works really hard, so I’m very proud of him and very proud that I get to spend this time with him,” said Ortiz.

Massa plans to remain in the United States Air force until retirement.