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Venice voters head to the polls this Tuesday

Venice voters head to the polls this Tuesday

VENICE, Fla. (SNN TV) – Early voting has ended for this Tuesday’s elections in Venice.

Two city council seats are on the ballot in Venice on Nov. 7. Polls will open at 7 a.m. Tuesday for two races between incumbent Mitzie Fiedler and challenger Joan Farrell for Venice City Council Seat 1, and Dusty Feller and Ron Smith for Seat 2.

So far, the unofficial numbers show 23.2% turnout, with 88% of the 5,296 voters having voted by mail.

The Herald-Tribune reports development has been a big issue in the Seat 1 race between Fiedler and Farrell.

Fiedler angered many of her northeast Venice neighbors for being one of the five council members who approved approving a land-use change that would allow developer Pat Neal to build a Publix-anchored shopping center at the southwest corner of Laurel Road and Jacaranda Boulevard in the massive Milano planned unit development.

In Seat 2, Feller says she wants to help the community as her children grow up, and Smith says he wants to preserve the spirit of the John Nolen Plan.