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BRADENTON – Covid-19 vaccines rolled into the Suncoast literally on Tuesday morning.

The  Miami-based ‘VaxVan’ arrived at 5255 Office Park Boulevard Tuesday to administer the coronavirus vaccine from 10 am to 6 pm.

The state-funded van owned by Statlab Mobile has the ability to store Johnson& Johnson, Phizer, and Moderna Vaccines correctly.  

“We are going to take the time, as long as we need, to educate people and dispel some of the myths, why we are here, the importance of it, and how it affects people. The main objective for us is to let people know we have the access, we are going to educate you, and at the end of the day, it’s going to be a decision that you’re going to have to make yourself,” says Statlab Mobile founder Cheveral Deacon.

If you missed the VaxVan don’t worry, it will be sticking around the area. To find out where it will be next visit