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SARASOTA – Tri Force Pictures, one of the sponsors of the film festival hosted its 4th annual Film Festival Soiree. The local production company partnered with The Art and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota to bring local artists with film directors.

Guest were able to sign up and sponsor upcoming film projects and even try to direct a scene with a professional standing by.

“Tonight we’re here to celebrate film, arts the collaboration of local film production companies and the Sarasota Film Festival,” Shaun Greenspan, co-founder of Tri Force. “Moving forward we’re producing films that make sense. We’re mitigating the risk by doing our due diligence and Tri Force 100% is working with the Skyway Film Funding.”

Tri Force Pictures currently is working on three films with some of the scenes being filmed here in Sarasota. For information on how to get involved visit