SNN News

Temple Emanu-El combines Shabbat and Independence Day


SARASOTA – The Fourth of July may have come and gone, but Temple Emanu-El is still celebrating! Friday night the temple held its annual Patriotic Shabbat Service. It combined traditional Jewish worship with a patriotic singalong, along with a sermon highlighting Jewish contributions to America. 

Temple Emanu-El Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman says this is a yearly tradition very close to his heart.

“We feel as Americans and as Jews that we are doubly blessed,” Glickman said. “Tonight we feel it especially so. We’re so happy to celebrate America’s birthday, and we’re happy to celebrate our ancient tradition of the Sabbath day, and we get to do it all together this night.”

Following the Shabbat service was a Fourth of July cookout, complete with hamburgers and hot dogs.