SARASOTA – The time is now to start gathering your supplies to avoid the long lines at grocery stores or worse seeing nothing but empty aisle.
“Just don’t want the run outs, I don’t want to wait till the last minute and I just always did it early,” said Christine Demetriou.
Demetriou is no stranger to hurricanes .Having lived in Florida for the past sixty years she says prepping for a hurricane is second nature.
“There’s gonna be so many people coming here and grabbing things, they will run out of water and all that,” said Demetriou. “Also you need it all year round for all the hurricanes that come not just for the one that’s coming now.”
On Wednesday Florida Governor Ron Desantis declared a state of emergency for all counties that could be impacted by Dorian. According to the National Weather Service Dorian is expected to make landfall in Florida late this weekend or early next week as possible Category 2 or 3 hurricane.
“Just trying to get supplies for the upcoming hurricane and trying to get ahead of all the shoppers,” said Joe Thompson.
Thompson has also started gathering all the essential supplies such as water, batteries, and non-perishables to ride out the storm.
“Definitely some cases of water, chips, canned goods, dry goods that we can keep in case the power goes out,” said Thompson.
Target officials tell me via email Since Monday, they’ve been sending pallets of needed hurricane supplies like flashlights, batteries, gas cans and shelf-stable food to stores across Florida, including more than 700,000 bottles of water and will continue to push as many products to our stores as we safely can before Dorian arrives.