SNN News

Suncoast beaches see less traffic, as red tide continues


SARASOTA – Suncoast beaches see less traffic, as dead fish continue to wash ashore due to red tide. 

“I had to go back, and I’m ready to go home,” said Suncoast resident, Luz Stillman. 

Red tide continues to irritate beachgoers, as dead fish pile up across the shore

“You can feel it, and there’s also a little bit of a stinging in the nose and throat, and I’ve only been here less than 20 minutes so I’m going to another place, and I’m going to the pool and that’s it, no beach today,” said visitor, Yeddiel Morales. 

Beach conditions report, Lido Beach still has many dead fish, but only moderate signs of respiratory irritation, and less crowds.  

“We try to avoid the peak, weekends and days and stuff, we thought while the tide is lifting maybe we’ll get out here before the crowds come back,” said Sarasota Residents, John Young and Ken Yonker. 

Both Young and Yonker say they hope to enjoy their beach day. 

“Its aggravating and if it gets really bad we probably won’t come out but we figured we should at least try it and see how it is, but if it gets too bad, just call it and leave and come back home,” said Young. 

Another Suncoast resident says the situation is devastating

“Very, very sad because everyone loves Florida because of the beaches, and at this moment nobody can enjoy it and there is so many people that are coming over here to enjoy their vacations, and also all of the businesses, they’re also suffering,” said Stillman. 

For more information on beach conditions on the Suncoast, you can visit Mote’s Beach Conditions Reporting System here