CHARLOTTE – For more than 40 years Vietnam veterans were denied a proper welcome home celebration once returning from war. One healthcare facility is looking to pay tribute to those men and women with the recognition they deserve.
Greeted by bikers on their Harley’s… veterans at Solaris Healthcare in Port Charlotte were honored for their service and sacrifice.
“We want to take every opportunity to thank these national treasures and these heroes that are right here in our midst,” said Cyndi Shelton, Business Development Specialist with Solaris Healthcare.
Veterans from all branches of the military were invited to pay respect to all those who didn’t make it back home.
“We honor and the services and sacrifices that these people made that many of them didn’t even want to make,” said Shelton. “But the point is they are our national treasure and they are heroes and we thank them for everything that they’ve done.”
Phyllis and Robert Poirier have been married for 63 years. Robert, a Cold War veteran, says he simply feels appreciated by his community.
“I’m very grateful to be an American and be here to be honored, I appreciated it too, I appreciate the honor,” said Robert.
The American Legion 110 Honor Guard and General Anthony “Bud” Bell presented veterans with pins to commemorate their service.
“I’m very thankful for events like this because I think it’s really very appropriate,” said Robert.