SNN News

Second Chance Last Opportunity looking for donations and Role Models


SARASOTA – SCLO, a nonprofit serving those in need in the Newtown area is hosting the ‘Father and Daughter dinner dance’ on Saturday, February 29th.

Organizers are calling on fathers, stepfathers, uncles and all male role models in the Sarasota area to put on their best outfit, brush up on their dance moves and help escort and usher young girls to the event. 

“We’re asking for any male role models that want to come forth and help us to help these beautiful young ladies to feel special for this one time occasion, that they are who they are and who they need to be and they can remember this special moment for the rest of their lives,” says Founder and CEO of Second Chance Last Opportunity, April Glasco. 

The organization is also looking for donations of dresses and shoes in size 2t to fifteen years old.

Second Chance, Last Opportunity is a grassroots organization that has been offering life management skills to at-risk teens and their low income and/or homeless families since 1995.

For more information on where and how to donate, please visit their website.