SNN News

Save Our Summer Blood Drive helps save lives of those in need of blood donations


SARASOTA – More than two dozen volunteers donated blood at the Save Our Summer Blood Drive at the Westfield Siesta Key Mall. Suncoast Blood Bank’s Jayne Giroux says blood donations are needed more during summer.

“Summer is a really difficult time for the blood bank because as we’ve talked about before schools are out,” said Giroux. “And about 25 percent of blood pool comes from high school donors.”

Up until last week the blood bank had declared a critical need for universal blood donors. Blood drives like these help out blood banks now that the main three donors for the banks are gone.

“Families are on vacation, our snowbirds are gone and high school students are out. It’s almost like the perfect storm however blood usage continues,” said Giroux.

Volunteers who donate blood at the drive not only help save a life but they also get a voucher for a free movie at the Westfield Cine Bistro.

Amanda Kisovic a registered nurse says she’s personally seen the effects of the blood shortages during summer. “I’m a registered nurse so I’ve know how much this blood is important to the people that need it in emergencies so it’s great use and I’m happy to donate,” she said.

For anyone who wasn’t able to donate at Wednesday’s drive, the next blood drive hosted by Suncoast Blood Bank will be on July 13th for the annual Boots & Badges Drive at Philippi Estate Park.