SARASOTA – The Sarasota Orchestra may leave its Bayfront location.
The Sarasota Orchestra has ruled out Payne Park as its future home, and has set its focus on sites outside of City limits.
“The most important thing is to find, a location that allows us to build the music center in that vision of the 21st century, there were some redeeming qualities about the Payne park location our work going forward as were looking at other possibilities is to make sure that most of all we can ensure the trajectory of the orchestra and the thrive-ability and vibrancy of the orchestra of the 21st century,” said President and CEO of Sarasota Orchestra, Joseph McKenna.
In response, Sarasota Mayor Hagen Brody and City Manager Marlon Brown issued a joint statement reading:
“Regrettably, we must acknowledge that this is ultimately the Sarasota Orchestra’s decision.
Of the city locations previously offered and considered, including its current location on the Bayfront and in or around Payne Park, the Sarasota Orchestra is clearly not open to those locations and desires to look elsewhere.
We wish the Orchestra the best of luck in its relocation search and extend our continued offer to assist with any additional support with a location in the city limits that it may find suitable. That offer remains on the table.”
The Orchestra has been in talks with the City Commission since 2019, which removed Payne Park from consideration. Now the Orchestra seeks 7 acres…
“That includes two performance spaces, a concert hall, and a recital hall, space for our education program and the Sarasota Music festival, and all the support areas,” said McKenna.
The Orchestra had a modified season last year due to COVID, but is coming back with a full season with safety protocols in place.
“Despite COVID, it has been an exciting time, we have to work differently, we have to work smart, but we are committing to serve the community, reaching the broader community and delivering great music,” said McKenna.
For more information on the Sarasota Orchestra, you can visit their website here.