SARASOTA – J.J. Hudson is stage directing the double bill of Rita and Susanna’s Secret.
“It is two short comic operas; both are under an hour; it explores the relationships of married couples,” Hudson said.
He calls Susanna’s Secret a light show we can all relate to.
“Issues of relationships, I think, are timeless,” Hudson said.
It’s set in Torino, Italy in 1915, featuring a count and a countess who have been married for two months.
“They are passionate still in their love for each other,” Hudson said. “However, the count smells smoke on his new wife, and that leads him to believe she might be having an affair.”
Hudson calls the music ‘astonishingly beautiful.’
“It seems like almost a pastiche of many different composers of that era, and the text is very easy to follow,” Hudson said. “It’s very modern in its approach.”
It’s a comedy, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see some drama onstage.
“I think the quarrels between the lovers are written very well, and because the quarrels are done very well, the reconciliations take on extra delight,” Hudson said.
Whether you’re an opera frequent or not, Hudson says this show is for you.
“I think for people familiar with opera, these are two works that are largely unknown,” Hudson said. “To people who are new to opera, this might provide a fun evening and introduction to opera.”
Susanna’s Secret and Rita debut at Sarasota Opera tomorrow at 7:30. For tickets and more information click here.