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SARASOTA (WSNN) – The Roskamp Institute in Sarasota has won a federal grant for a Florida Red Tide study.

They received $400,000 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to study red tide’s effect on a person’s neurological system.

For two decades Scientists have seen a link between environmental factors and increased risk for Alzheimer’s and other brain conditions.

The new funding will allow the Florida red tide team at Roskamp to examine the toxic algae’s effects on 400 study volunteers in Manatee and Sarasota.

Executive director and Lead Researcher in Red Tide, Dr. Michael Mullan, says they need a wide range of samples.

“We’re looking for folks that are not just living near the water, because obviously they’re really important, but we also want another group, like those living in the Lakewood Ranch area that are living away from the water where we suppose their levels of exposure are much lower,” Dr. Mullan said.

The volunteers will undergo three tests where blood and urine samples are taken to measure toxin and antibody levels.

To get involved in the study, you can call Megan Parks (941) 256-8018 EXT 3008. 

Through this study, they’re also able to look for treatments.