SARASOTA – Parents, teachers, and students urge Sarasota County School Board members to leave classes online.
Tiffany Pepsin is a teacher and a mom.
“We truly believe this isn’t going to something that just impacts our schools, it’s going to impact our community because we can’t handle another spike right now our hospitals are already at their threshold,” said Sarasota County Teacher and Parent. “As much as we all want to be back in the classroom, I have four kids, three of them are in this minivan right now, my job is not easier when I am at home, it’s actually much harder but to me, it’s worth it to keep us all safe.”
Parent, Sherri Tennerino says it’s time to open schools.
“Online learning was not successful in our household and we want options, we want to return to school and for those that are too afraid to return to school we want them to have better online options,” said Sarasota Resident and Parent, Sherri Tennerino. “Well, I think given the proper personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves, and face shields and cleaning equipment I think teachers can be taught to help slow the spread as well as teach our students at the same time.”
School Board member Eric Robinson offered protesters encouragement.
“We’re going to make sure that safety is job one and that is safety for the students, and the staff and the teachers,” said Sarasota County School Board Member, Eric Robinson.
Parent and teacher agree it’s about safety.
“We want to wait until it is safe to go back, I don’t know a teacher out there that doesn’t love being in the classroom, we do this because we love what we do, but it simply just isn’t safe to do right now.”