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PINELLAS COUNTY – Republican state lawmakers move forward with sweeping election changes in Florida, and elections supervisors — including some Republicans — are alarmed at the privacy risks.

According to WFLA, Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Julie Marcus says she would “be greatly concerned if this bill passes as written.”

Marcus says the bill adds many hurdles to voting by mail, and it would let partisan actors challenge votes and endlessly delay election results.

She would also have to put your signature on the Internet.

According to both Marcus and a cybersecurity expert at USF, the public already can access your name, address, email, phone number, and date of birth if you’re a Florida voter. Since signatures historically are used to verify many financial documents and contracts, all this information allows criminals to commit identity theft, falsify contracts, and commit credit card fraud in-person.

WFLA has reached out to the bill’s sponsor for an interview.