SNN News

Prevail: A Benefit for the Circus Arts reflects on the healing power of the arts


SARASOTA – After having to cancel their signature show under the Big Top early this year, the Circus Arts Conservatory is back with a new captivating show.

The show Prevail: A Benefit for the Circus Arts, features performers from around the world that are simply volunteering their acts.

President and CEO of the Circus Arts Conservatory Pedro Reis says, the show reflects on the healing power of the arts amidst the global health pandemic.

Reis says several of the artist featured in the show are performing for the first time in front of a live audience in over a year.

“This is the first opportunity that I’ve had to actually perform in front of a live audience. So we took it upon ourselves in an organic venture – we decided that we were gonna do this,” said Reis. “The artists are donating their time and talent they felt the energy to come together.”

Tickets are still available online for shows this weekend and next on their website by visiting

And for those that are still not comfortable of attending in person – digital tickets to watch a production of the one show is also an option.