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BRADENTON BEACH – A possible murder-suicide is under investigation. 

“This was probably the most gruesome case that I’ve worked in 30 years in law enforcement,” said Detective Sgt, Lenard Diaz. of the Bradenton Beach Police Department.

After not being able to contact his daughter, a concerned father stopped by her home on Bradenton Beach Saturday to find the bodies of his daughter, 37-year-old Sabrina Dumdei, and her boyfriend, 34-year-old Zachary Winton, in what police say appears to be a murder-suicide.

“He was arrested by us in early September for domestic battery, aggravated because he held a knife to her throat. He made many threats that day that he would harm her and himself if she pressed charges,” said Detective Sgt, Diaz. 

According to the police report from September, Winton made a threat,

“I will kill her. She gonna pay. If I get charged with felonies, I’ll kill her then myself…” Zachary Winton. 

Detective Sgt. Diaz says the last call they got from Dumdei was this past Monday.

“And when I pulled in she said never mind we don’t need it, that’s what she told dispatch so I left. Probably three hours later my officers responded again and I told them to make sure to make her do a report,” said Detective Sgt, Diaz. 

John Bell, Bradenton Beach Resident, and nearby neighbor knew of both Dumdei and Winton because they were local.

“I haven’t seen them physically hitting each other but I’ve seen it getting to that point and just riding the store and coming back to my house I’ve seen, I’ve wanted to stop myself to see what the hell is going on but people don’t want to do that they don’t want to get in other people business,” said Bradenton Beach Resident, John Bell. 

Bell says he last saw Dumdei Friday night. 

“To talk to somebody right before dark, and not sure what time it happened but it was a short time after that and for my kids to see, take pictures of blood all over the chairs, the doors,” said Bell. 

“The worst part is her family is never going to have the answers they want because nobody really knows what happened in there between dark on Friday and whenever it took place, it’s super sad and it’s even worse that they lived in paradise and to feel like that was your only option,” said Bell. 

If you are a survivor of Domestic Violence or Sexual assault, you can contact the SPARCC helpline at 941-365-1976. 

All services are free and confidential.