SNN News

NPR Morning Edition changes longtime theme music


TAMPA- For 40 years, mornings on NPR started with the same familiar sound, but Monday, millions of listeners woke up to the sound of a new tune.

“Hey get ready. It’s a new day, you’re going to get some great news” said program director Sheila Rue.

Celebrating its 40th year on air, WUSF’s Sheila Rue says NPR felt it was time for a change.

“We need to be a little bit more updated, and this is the chance to do it,” said Rue.

A small change, impacting a community of listeners.

“You get up, you turn on your radio, you start your coffee, you listen to the news, you get in your car. You know the routine of your morning and the theme was a part of that routine,” said Rue.

She says the new theme song is warm and welcomes a fresh new start to each day.

“It was smart,” said Rue. “It was modern. It had energy that has a little bit urgency to it that said hey, this is news.”

While some listeners sounded off on twitter questioning the new tune, WUSF says they haven’t gotten any negative feedback.

“So I think listeners are either not noticing, or they’re like “ok whatever” its got  a little tiny taste of the old theme in it still but it’s just more modern,” said Rue.

Despite any change or feedback, Rue says although the theme song has changed, their dedication to delivering listeners news remains.

“That it’s not the theme that is going to really matter it’s more the content ,” said Rue.