LAKEWOOD RANCH – As the country faces a historic blood shortage leading the American Red Cross to declare a National blood crisis, Suncoast Blood Centers are reporting less supply of critical blood types.
“We need to collect 150 units a day to sustain our hospital commitments and that has been a real struggle,” said Suncoast Blood Centers, Chief Operating Officer, John Hall.
The American Red Cross declared it’s first-ever blood crisis amid the Omicron surge, and Suncoast Blood centers IS also running dry, as the new variant has led to several cancellations of critical blood drives.
“We’re supported by a small mom and pops community so it’s having a major effect on our blood supply,” said Hall.
While donor centers are open across the Suncoast, the blood center can also come to you with a mobile unit
“Come to your house, come out and spend a one-on-one service with our phlebotomist and it’s as easy as that, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home,” said Hall.
Donor, Gene Ryan donates platelets every Tuesday
“Cancer patients need the platelets, burn patients, and everybody needs blood at some time in their life just about, and it’s something a lot of people don’t bother with but it’s really important that you do it,” said Donor, Gene Ryan.
Ryan says he’s donated 45 gallons, so far.
“I mean I keep coming back so it can’t be too bad, they say only 3 percent of people donate, and there is such a need that people should be helping other people, especially with COVID going around now, it’s more important than ever,” said Ryan.
Suncoast Blood Centers helps supply blood to 14 hospitals on the Suncoast.
For more information on how you can donate blood you can visit our website their website here, or call 1-866-972-5663.