SNN News

Mom’s enjoy special day at UTC, ahead of Mother’s Day

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SARASOTA – The 5th annual ‘Treat yourself like a queen’ expo returned to UTC this weekend. 

Mom’s across the Suncoast got to enjoy a special day at the mall out as a way to celebrate Mother’s Day!

“We basically bring out 50 vendors that cater to women, daughters, queens, and we try to have as many activities that are free for them to do, that includes CBD sampling stations, product demos, arts and crafts stations all those types of things as well,” said Event organizer, Brett Cecere. 

From photo ops with mom and painting wine glasses with a twist!

“She said she wanted to do an Edgar Allen Poe dark forest theme so we kind of ran with it, we saw a lot of palm trees going so we had to switch it up,” said Chloe Reeves on her mom’s wine glass painting. 

“I thought it was a really cool preparation for mother’s day so I was like I’m bringing my girls out,” said Jessica Crismon. 

While Jessica’s daughter is looking forward to painting a sunset, Jessica is looking forward for some relaxation!

“Maybe a glass of wine,” said Crimson. 

“We’re here every single year, every may, so make sure to come back next year if you missed I, we give out 250 swag bags to all the attendees who attend, so if you come out next year make sure to come out early to claim one of those bags,” said Cecere. 

Mother’s Day is next Sunday, for anyone who still has not gotten something special for their Momma, this is your reminder!!