SNN News

Manatee County School Board mandate the use of face coverings for all


SARASOTA – Manatee County students and staff returning to in-person classes will be required to wear face coverings while on campus but with added exceptions. 

“I’m not some crazy never wearing mask person, that’s not what I’m saying,” said chairwoman Gina Messenger.

Tension flare at the Manatee County School District Emergency Board Meeting on Friday. The topic of discussion — Policy 8450 which deals with wearing face masks at schools, on school buses and at other district facilities.

“You’re changes to Policy 8450 don’t go far enough,” said a Manatee School for the Arts student.

School board members pass unanimously the revision made to the policy but not without hearing from those it’ll affect the most.

“We’ve had ample time and ample opportunity to get a plan in action here,” said a concerned parent. “This isn’t something new, we knew what was going to happen.”

County School District Superintendent Cynthia Saunders says, the revised policy meets CDC standards in order to provide a safe learning environment for students and staff.

The new revisions voted on state: students may take a break from wearing their mask but only with teacher’s permission but not while indoors. And for teachers who also may need a break from wearing theirs while on campus, they may do so if they’re alone in their office or classroom.

“The protocol, I think we took most of this, right directly from that new adopted language,” said Saunders.

And for the confusion as to what is considered a face covering. Face masks made of a cloth material are strongly encouraged. Face shield are allowed to be worn, but they must cover and wrap around the face completely and extend below the chin.

However, they are only permitted for occasional use and are not a substitute for cloth face masks.

“You can very well have an ADA accommodation or instructional needs where we put it in a narrow focus where it would be appropriate for students with disabilities,” said Saunders.

Saunders says more revisions clarify when it’s appropriate to not wear a cloth face covering indoors and who’s exempt from keeping them on all day. But even these policies are subject to change.”

“The policy also references if the CDC has further updates we will update according to their guidance as well,” said Saunders.

Manatee County students return to the classroom on Monday. To view the complete revisions made to the policy visit the school district website.