LAKEWOOD RANCH – A group of local equestrians came together to bring some Easter joy to seniors at a local nursing home…
Local Equestrian, Jaymie Klauber and friends thought about the elderly in their community during this lonely time, of self-isolation and decided to giddy-up and deliver some Easter joy…
“Since we have been so blessed and we have our horses and get to ride them every day and be with them we just thought maybe the horses could spread a little joy over to them,” said Owner of Epic Equine Experiences, Jaymie Klauber.
Klauber, the owner of Epic Equine Experiences, says they decided to decorate their horses, Easter themed of course…
“And we thought that we would just ride over there and ride around and hopefully make them smile,” said Klauber.
The ladies were joined by future equestrians for the ride-along. Klauber says with not being able to teach polo classes, she wanted to do something outside the “norm”
“It’s a fun thing for us to do too, we’re all bored and lonely and we’re not getting to show, play polo, or do what we normally do… or give lessons, so we’re getting to do this instead,” said Klauber.
The groups made their way to Grand Living, assisted Facility in Lakewood Ranch, and were greeted by smiles and waves, from a distance of course…
“It’s amazing; it was very exciting to watch,” said Seniors and Staff at Grand Living Assisted Facility
“Everybody thanked us but I should thank them, I mean they’re just… this is a great feeling,” said Coordinator, Sylvia McNichol.
“And these young people who are just wonderful and just came out and we’re just willing to do it, and all their family that followed and helped us cross the street, it’s just wonderful,” said McNichol.