NOAA — the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — says January 2020 breaks the record as the warmest January worldwide. 2020 beats the previous record-holder, January 2016, by just 0.04°F. Some of the warmest areas include eastern Canada, eastern Europe and much of Russia.
According to NOAA, the four warmest Januaries on record have occurred since 2016, while the 10 warmest Januaries have occurred since 2002. Across the country, every state in the lower 48 experienced a warmer-than-average January.
Although no state recorded its warmest January, the fact that the warmth was so widespread and long-lasting put it in the top 5 warmest. The Suncoast experienced its 13th warmest January on record with temperatures running a little over 4 degrees above average. 13 days hit at least 80 degrees despite the average high being around 70.
You can read a more in-depth summary on NOAA’s website through this link.