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SARASOTA – The inaugural Sarasota Country Music Festival is wrapping up at JD Hamel Park in downtown Sarasota.

The three day festival has an array of country music singers performing different genres of country. From Cajun, bluegrass, and blues the festival had it all. Head of the Downtown Enrichment District Ron Soto says as a country music fan he wanted others that share his same passion for western songs.

“Our merchant association we do all kinds of things to bring people downtown including New Year’s Eve and Seafood Festivals,” said Soto. “Nobody has done a country festival, and I happen to love country music so I decided let’s do a little country music and get those people like me downtown.”

Cadillac Blue and One Night Rodeo are some of the big national headliners performing. The festival start at 11 a.m. Sunday, for more information on the line up visit