ENGLEWOOD – Lemon Bay’s band students have a full plate going through February this year. Lemon Bay band director Philip Eyrich joined the Morning Edition to talk about some of their upcoming events. They include:
Dallas Brass: Dallas Brass is a jazz ensemble founded in 1973. From its Facebook, “the Dallas Brass has become one of America’s foremost musical ensembles. The group has established a unique blend of traditional brass instruments with a full complement of drums and percussion.” Admission is $15 in advance and $20 the day of the show.
Car Show Benefit: Lemon Bay will also host a car show to benefit the band. Admission is $15 for display only (you want your car displayed but not judged), $20 in advance and $25 the day of the show
Finally, from February 11-13, Lemon Bay will host the District 11 MPAs (Music Performance Assessments), held annually. This will feature many middle and high school bands in the area and will begin at 3pm each day. Admission is free.
You can purchase tickets on the Lemon Bay band’s website here.