SNN News

Cirque Ma’Ceo thrives at The Big Cat Habitat


SARASOTA – Cirque Ma’Ceo has been entertaining audiences around the world. Now they’re halfway through their first homecoming shows at the Big Cat Habitat. 

“It’s such a positive show people leave here feeling great and wanting to tell their friends and family,” says Olissio Zoppe Director and owner of Cirque Ma’Ceo.

Cirque Ma’Ceo is parenting up with Big Cat Habitat to present a one of a kind show.

“You are right there in the action this is the most intimate show on tour,” says Zoppe.

Zoppe Director has been directing these shows for the past 15 years all around the world – and has now brought his show home to the Suncoast. “It’s been a huge success, we are getting so much word of mouth publicity,” he says.

Cirque Ma’Ceo shows are raising funds for the Big Cat Habitat – and even include a VIP experience for the audience to dine with the performers after the shows.

“These people that you’re watching perform you get a chance to sit down and eat with them, chat with them ask questions. And it’s just a great, great opportunity for us to get to know or audience and also for our audience to get to know us,” says Zoppe.

He says no matter your age you will walkout amazed by the theatrics in the show.  “There’s something for everybody in this show but literally people enjoy the whole show because of the vast majority and it’s just a very, very fast pace fun show that has a very high production value,” he says.

By curtain call Zoppe says he hopes the audience is able leave with an appreciation of the circus and the arts.

“My biggest thing, and I was talking about this last night is restoring the true art of circus and circus arts,” Zoppe says

If you still haven’t caught the show, its tour ends Feb 3rd – But Zoppe says he is planning on finishing out his tour until the end of February.