SARASOTA COUNTY (WSNN) – History unfolds as the nation prepares for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and the Vice President-to-be Kamala
Harris, and the Suncoast chapter of a national non-profit is celebrating with another pioneering American woman.
“One of the benefits and drawbacks of being this old, and around this long, is that you know how long we’ve been struggling to make this moment happen,” American author and activist, Letty Cottin Pogrebin said.
A woman of color stepping into the Vice Presidency for the first time in our history. The Sarasota Chapter of the Brandeis National Committee is hosting a virtual ‘Zoom’ event with feminist Letty Cottin Pogrebin in conversation with Journalist Carrie Seidman. Pogrebin is a writer and activist in women’s issues. The event is Thursday at 7:00 pm.
“I think it’s a breath of fresh air just to talk about the future in positive terms and to see how important it is for women to be active,” BNC of Sarasota President, Linda Brown said.
The event is called “Women Today & Tomorrow: What to Cherish, What to Change.”
“I think it’s important every now and then to assess our achievements and to kind of take pride in them; to sit on our laurels, but also to recognize we don’t have enough laurels to sit on yet,” Pogrebin said. “There’s a lot left to do.”
An evening exploring a woman’s on-going struggle for equality in the workplace, politics, academia, and family life. As well as, American Feminism today and the Women’s March.
“I’ve been all the marches you can think of, but they don’t pass legislation,” Pogrebin said. “What passes legislation is converting that passion into action. And making candidates pay for promises that have not been fulfilled.
This is where voting and running for office come into play. Pogrebin’s advice to people who want to make a change?
“Don’t agonize, organize. It’s one thing to name all the things you wish could happen, or that you feel you’re oppressed by or you feel are unfair; it’s another thing to say,” Pogrebin said. “‘I’m not going to take this anymore, I’m going to get involved.”
Thursday’s event supports the Brandeis University Library Campaign of transforming books highlighting social justice into digital formats. Registration is open online until tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm.
Tickets are $18/household and are fully tax-deductible. To register, copy and paste the following URL or click here. =4862.