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SARASOTA –  You may have heard of cat yoga, goat yoga and even beer yoga but the Big Cat Sanctuary in Sarasota is allowing guests to find their Zen just feet away from some wild cats.

“We are surrounded in this incredibly peaceful environment with these beautiful creatures,” said Erika Cain. 

Cain has been practicing yoga for about four years. She’s the lead yoga instructors at Big Cat Habitat’s Yoga with Tigers that takes place every fourth Saturday of the month.

“It’s an interesting way to get people who may have never practiced yoga before and their here in this unique environment,” said Cain. “Sometimes walking into a studio can be a little intimidating but we create this really special environment here surrounded by the tigers.”

Some of these big cats can reach up to one thousand pounds, and experience Kimberly Martinez has never done before.

“It’s not your typical close your eyes and go into your inner place and stay focused on your yoga practice it’s really about experiencing all the energy of the environment that’s around you,” said Martinez.

Cain has incorporated the big cats prowling around into her yoga poses, she even has guest practice a lions breathe, an exhale she says helps rejuvenates the spirit.

“These creatures are really reminding us to be in the moment, tigers don’t worry about what’s coming ahead they’re just here in the moment and completely thankful for everything that they do have,” said Cain.

Tickets sell out fast so make sure you reserve your spot for the next class.