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SARASOTA – We’ve all heard the saying…

That music can touch our souls…and evokes emotions in us without explanation. Now combine that with art that hopes to create a better and loving world for all.

“There’s a healing element to music, a consoling element; and I think now more than ever we need art and music in our lives,” said Joseph Holt.

Holt, Artistic Director of the Choral Artist of Sarasota, says they partnered with Embracing our Differences to bring audiences everywhere the healing power of music through a virtual concert.

Out of Adversity: Embracing our Differences spreads the message of acceptance by highlight pieces 12 composers who’re part of the LGBTQ community.

“It does help us inform a little bit more about them as people. It might even inform us a little about their music too,” said Holt.

The hour-long virtual concerts tackles issues such as of homophobia, something that many composers of the 18th, 19th and even 20th century endured.

Holt says he was inspired by the murder of Matthew Sheppard to partner with Embracing our Differences. The annual art displays at Bayfront Park enlighten and educate park goers how we effects that change the world around us.

“These composers that I’m highlighting – we’ve actually embraced them to a certain extend. We’ve invited them into our homes. I hope they understand that it’s acceptable to think of them as gay and lesbian people.”

Choral Artists of Sarasota will host monthly virtual concerts with a different topic every month and teach through music and art how to be a better person.

“We’re trying to break down that barrier, just allow people to be themselves,” said Holt.

Holt says the virtual concert is available on their website to watch for the next month on