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AFL-CIO of Florida endorses Charlie Crist


FLORIDA – Florida’s biggest labor union endorses Charlie Crist for governor.

According to the Herald Tribune, the AFLCIO endorsed Crist on Friday in his race in the Democratic primary against Florida Commissioner of Agriculture, Democrat Nikki Fried.

The organization represents 1-point-6 million members, retirees, and family members. They’re expected to phone bank for Crist and send mailers ahead of the August 23rd primary.

This followed the Florida Education Association, the federation’s largest organization, endorsing him.

He’s also been endorsed by the Sierra Club of Florida, Communications Workers of America, and Service Employees International Union.

However, Fried has the backing of the Democratic Black Caucus of Florida, Florida College Democrats, and Women’s Voices of Southwest Florida, all groups which have touted her support for voting rights laws and abortion rights.