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MANATEE COUNTY – A Suncoast family is finally able to travel together, thanks to a generous donor. 

“This is life-changing for us,” said the son of the family receiving wheelchair van, Valeriy Klychkov. “And, I don’t just say that without any weight.”

Through Manatee Deputy Patrick Manning’s connection with the Flight to Northpole event, this donation came about.

Manatee County Sheriff’s Office hosts the event for children with illnesses to receive toys in a winter wonderland setting.

Back in 2018, a couple was involved in an accident that later required them to use a wheelchair van.  Recovering from their injuries and knowing about Flight to the North Pole, they chose to remain anonymous and pass along their vehicle.

“And they thought what a great opportunity because of their recovering health that they could change somebody’s life that is in desperate need of a wheelchair van that can put two wheelchairs for both their children,” said Manatee Deputy Patrick Manning.

The Klychkov family has two children, Kristina and Samuel,  with Tay-Sachs disease, a genetic disorder affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Over time, you lose the ability to walk and talk.

They were unable to go anywhere as a family unit.

“When it comes to needing to go somewhere, like a doctor’s appointment or just go anywhere,” said Klychkov. “It’s very difficult with two children. It’s very hard to get them into a car along with all the equipment that we use for them.”

So when they heard the news, Valeriy said it was unbelievable.

“My mom was ecstatic. I mean, she called my sister right way, she started calling family.this is amazing,” said Klychkov. 

The Klychkov family says they couldn’t be more grateful to the donors.

“We want you to understand that this truly changed our life,” said Klychkov. “I mean this is an amazingly wonderful gift, and it’s going to help our family tremendously.”

You can donate to Flight to the North Pole by going to their website. Find the donate button on the home page and give it a click.