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SARASOTA (WSNN) – This week marks the first week of Sarasota Youth Opera’s fall semester. The caveat? It’s all virtual. 

The Sarasota Opera is transitioning its 35-year Youth Opera program from in-person to online. 

“So, the program has been around for a long time, but the virtual part of the offerings were driven by the pandemic, and for us to gather 80 to 100 kids in a rehearsal room right now, would seem not very wise,” Music Director, Jesse Martins, said.

Martins says they wanted to gear the program the way schools are doing it to continue offering music education for kids in a safe way. 

All that’s required is a device with a working camera and microphone to participate in classes via zoom.  It was perfected during a summer trial run.

Stage director, Martha Collins, works with students virtually as an acting director.

“I found it fascinating this summer to realize that certain acting games and exercises that with some of the kids weren’t as successful in a big room than in an intimate setting on-camera, they become very comfortable and much more communicative,” Collins said.

Ovid Rawlins, a 10-year-old youth opera student, has been in the program for a year. 

“I felt like it was easier to listen sometimes because they could mute and unmute people, so it would be easier to direct attention,” Rawlins said.

You can’t really mute somebody in a crowd of people. And his favorite part?

“I’d say it’s still being able to do opera with my friends and the maestros, even during the pandemic,” Rawlins said.

Martins says while online presents some limitations, it also opens an opportunity to explore.

“Like Q and A with professionals from the opera world or working on their music reading abilities or singing or acting,” Martins said. “So, I think it’s a varied offering that we were able to put together.”

The program offers acting classes, music education, private coaching, and special guest talks.

Collins is thankful for zoom, but can’t wait to do in-person collaboration again. 

“I love that that’s what the art form provides; this wonderful society and unity and coming together to create art, it’s pretty vital to my soul,” Collins said.

While classes are currently in session, the program is accepting kids through September. No audition required. And, as of right now, there is no capacity limit.

The directors say they may see an uptick of students if the schools don’t offer the performing arts classes the way they used to. 

Tuition ranges from $175-200 based on age, with discounts available for two or more singers from the same family. Tuition assistance for families in need is also available.

To register: For more information, call 941-328-1329 or email