SNN News

Feel Good Friday: Sarasota teen partners with local nonprofit to cleanup Siesta Key


SIESTA KEY – This past week people across the world did their part to help keep our oceans clean in honor of World Oceans Day.

And Brooke Riley a junior at Riverview High School gathered a small group of her classmates for a day at the beach. But this wasn’t your ordinary hangout with friends at the beach.

“It was crazy how much trash we picked up in total, which really made me realize how big of a problem it is,” said Brooke Riley.

With an interest in pursuing a career as a Marine Scientist Brooke sought out the help of Generation Sea a local nonprofit that is working to create a clean and sustainable environment within aquatic and marine ecosystems.

The start-up nonprofit partners with Sarasota County to help keep our beaches clean on land and at sea. An eye-opening experience for Brooke.

“I can see how big of a problem it is and how it will all end up in the ocean somehow,” said Riley.

And as for what piece of trash Brooke was most shocked to find were the hundreds upon hundreds of cigarette butts she and her classmates collected.

So with start of summer right around the corner Brooke has one message for you.

“Just pick up the trash. Make sure you leave the place better than you find it,” said Riley. “And if you see trash on the ground then pick it up.”