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SARASOTA – The issue of abortion rights will no doubt be debated here in Florida after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And not just in the governor’s race this November, but in the Democratic primary in August between Congressman and former Governor Charlie Crist and Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried.

Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law an abortion ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy, saying, “Life is a sacred gift worthy of our protection, and I am proud to sign this great piece of legislation which represents the most significant protections for life in the state’s modern history.”

Commissioner Fried joined SNN to speak about that mindset and respond to arguments made by those who oppose abortion rights, as well as talk about what she would do as governor on the issue of abortion rights.

PART 1 (Commissioner Fried’s response to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, what she would do as governor):

PART 2 (Commissioner Fried’s response to pro-life arguments celebrating the Supreme Court decision):