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SARASOTA – The BMX world knows him as ‘The Hulk.’

“People called me that because I was super strong when I was little,” Benson Danielo said.

The eight-year-old still remembers his first BMX practice.

“I didn’t crash and from then on, I was pretty confident,” Danielo said.

That was when he was four. He still practices every single day.

“I’m usually here about three hours,” Danielo said.

Over the years the jumps have caused a couple spills.

“I broke my collarbone at the Gator National and got knocked out,” Danielo said.

He was supposed to stay off his bike for eight weeks but got on after six because he couldn’t stay away from the competitions.

“I do locals a lot, and I probably go to a national and a state every month,” Danielo said.

He even takes his talents international: He just got back from Belgium.

“The whole world was there. I was racing 99 kids from 24 countries,” Danielo said.

He placed six in the world for his age and says he’s making friends all over the world, who have the same need for speed. He says one day he wants to race in the Olympics. Benson’s next competition is the Derby City National in Louisville.