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 SARASOTA – Research shows, children are spending less than half the amount of time out in nature than they used to.

This is the reason why UF IFAS Extension teamed up with Sarasota County Libraries to offer ‘Explore You World’ Backpacks to the Suncoast.

They want to get families and children out in nature more.

Families can check out a backpack at a local Sarasota County library.

The backpack has all the supplies you need to take children out into nature. It includes binocular, compass, a microscope and more.

“And being out in nature has so many health benefits, including increased focus, including improved creative thinking and creative problem solving, enhanced confidence,” said Ecology and Natural Resources Educator of UF IFAS Extension Sarasota County, Dr. Katherine Clements. “So, all the things we want to see in our young people as they develop into adults.”

There is only one backpack per library. You get to check it out for three weeks. You can reserve them online or in person.