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SARASOTA – Working out keeps you healthy. But, what if the one spot that keeps you healthy could be the spot that gets you sick?

There are sweat, grime and a lot of people at gyms.

Suncoast fitness centers are taking extra precautions from the COVID–19 outbreak. Yvette’s Health and Fitness Center already stays clean by wiping down their machines after every use.

But, personal trainer, Michael Savarese says their adding even more sanitation and wipes in the gym. 

He says educating members is their number one priority.

“Members have been extremely proactive in taking care of equipment, wiping things down before and after, so it’s been nice,” Michael Savarese said. “The gym is probably in the best shape it’s been in in a while. So, it’s really nice to have everyone working together as a team, coming together and pitching in.”

So, if you’re a gym addict, you don’t have to stop, just take the necessary safety measures.

Some ways to protect yourself is to disinfect frequently touched objects, and to not touch your face; that’s according to the Florida Department of Health.