SARASOTA – The coronavirus pandemic cancels the rest of Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe’s 2020 season.
“Your Arms Too Short to Box with God,” cancelled three weeks early.
Their worldwide premiere musical of “Ruby” and “Flyin’West” are postponed to next season.
WBTT says the cancellations of these shows could cost them $400,000 in revenue.
WBTT is monitoring the coronavirus situation to inform decisions about spring fundraiser, the April Fools Fete, and its Stage of Discovery musical theatre summer camp.
Both the Founder, Nate Jacobs, and Executive Director, Julie Leach, say they hope to get to the other side of this. As troupers they will fight through this.
“Of course, for the sake of our patrons safety and definitely our precious artists, that are here at our company, we had to close our jewels,” Nate Jacobs said.
“I’m sort of the mom of this place in a lot of ways,” Julie Leach said. “So, my first instinct is to protect our people, try and keep them employed, during this very difficult time. We paid out the entire contracts.”
Both say they’re hopeful in seeing the silver lining. Jacobs and Leach are thankful to those who continue to support WBTT.