SARASOTA – Sunday marked the beginning of Hanukkah celebrations for many across the country and the Suncoast is no exception.
“Part of the commandment of Hanukkah is not only to celebrate but to publicize the miracle,” said Rabbi Elaine Glickman of Temple Emanu-El.
The eight-day Jewish festivities that commemorate the re-dedication of the second temple in Jerusalem started this Sunday and Temple Emanu-El wants to educate all on the miracle of the holiday.
“The miracle of Hanukkah is not only the miracle for the Jewish community but it is the triumph of freedom over tyranny, the triumph of the small, the weak over the stronger and the mighty and it’s the triumph in so many ways of light over darkness,” said Rabbi Glickman.
You’ve seen Christmas at UTC, and this year Hanukkah will be no exception
“In a way it’s kind of ironic, celebrating Hanukkah with the holiday tree but its been fun, adding an inflatable dreidel, an inflatable menorah, a balloon menorah,” Rabbi Glickman.
The traditional lighting of the menorah will also take place across the Suncoast, Rabbi Brenner Glickman hopes to spread the meaning of the tradition
“The first night we only have one light on the menorah and each night the light builds and it grows brighter and brighter, and these are the darkest nights of the year so our homes get filled with light and there’s singing and spinning of dreidels and games and usually sweet things to eat like chocolates and donuts,” said Rabbi Brenner Glickman of Temple Emanu-El.
Rabbi Glickman hopes the sharing of traditions will help spread holiday cheer and educate all
“Coming together and learning from and supporting each other, just trying to be one community, one human family and coming together as the purpose of Hanukkah, standing together as the light against the darkness,” said Rabbi Glickman.
For a full list of events hosted by Temple Emanu-El you can visit their website here.